If you use the generator and enjoy it, I’d love it if you’d leave a comment below - let me know what names you’ve come up with! And as always, feel free to share and copy it as you see fit. It’s looking pretty empty at the moment, but in time it will be full of glorious grimdark goodness that will add character to your armies and support your narrative play activities. Citadel Screaming Skull and Ushabti Bone look to be good substitutes. 2 Note: These colours are perhaps a bit obscure and not in everyone’s paint collection. Running alongside my existing AoS name generators, this marks the start of a massive ongoing project to create name generators for every faction and subfaction in Warhammer 40K, plus Horus Heresy characters, Necromunda gangs and anything else I can think of! With this in mind, I’ve created an index page that should make it easier to look up and access all of the generators that have been developed to date. Bolter casing, under-suit, tubing and pistol grip: Vallejo Model Color Black Grey (70862) Chest and bolter eagle: Andrea Color White Paint Set No. I know there are plenty of chapter name generators out there already, but I’ve been working hard to make this one the biggest and the best of them - whether or not I’ve succeeded is up to you to decide! I think it makes sense to kick things off with a Space Marine Chapter Name Generator, and I’m pretty pleased with the results. It has begun! I can’t tell you how excited I am to be branching out into creating name generators for Warhammer 40,000. Now you can generate successor chapter names specifically suited to the descendants of the original 9 loyalist legions, each with thousands of possible combinations.

In fact, it’s by far the most popular article on this site, so I felt it was high time I updated it with brand new content and features that many Space Marine fans will no doubt find useful. It’s been a little over a year since I launched this Space Marine chapter name generator, and it’s proven to be hugely popular.